Welcome to 10:02 Orlando


Sundays | 10:02 a.m. | East Lake Elementary School  |  3971 North Tanner Rd, Orlando FL 32826

Our Mission

10:02 Orlando exists to connect people to one another and Christ.

Our Mission 

10:02 Orlando exists to connect people to one another and Christ

Why Orlando?

"And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."
 - Luke 10:02 -

We feel a unique calling to be a multigenerational church that loves the Campus and the City. The college campus is the most unreached demographic in America. 10:02 Orlando doesn’t just love the city or the campus; we love them both. “Reach the campus, reach the world”. We believe that the university campus is one of the most strategic places for gospel ministry.

United States

400+ major universities in North America
85%+ of American churches are plateaued or in decline
70+ churches close each week

Currently, there are more people living in the US than ever before, but fewer churches. Church planting expert Ed Stetzer states, “Our churches are dying, and our culture is changing…new churches can make a difference. Church planting is not easy, but without it the church will continue to decline in North America.”


22M people call Florida home
4M+ residents in Central Florida
3rd highest populated and fastest growing state in the US
30+ major universities
1M+ college students

An ever-growing destination state, Florida has become a strategic state, desperately needing more churches.


2.6M people living in the metro area
70K+ students at University of Central Florida, largest university in the US
14% of people living in Orlando are involved in a local church
6th most de-churched city in the US
1,200+ new people moving into the region every week

“New residents are almost always reached better by new congregations.” - Tim Keller