10:02 Church is made up of people who live on mission to make disciples who love God and others. We are not a place with programs, we are a people on mission.

Our two primary ways of serving are in Home Groups and on Sunday mornings. Home Groups are mobile enough to care for the needs of the city and they are small enough to care for the needs of each other. Those involved in home groups can serve each other by volunteering their time to provide baby showers, share house work, offer meals, etc. They can also serve the city by adopting projects such as serving in homeless shelters, providing school supplies, etc.  As a church, we will work to engage strategic partnerships that individuals or Home Groups can participate in to further bless our neighbors and city.  Sunday mornings provide great opportunities to serve as well. They afford the chance to build relationships within our church family, to share ownership of the mission of the church and to increase our discipleship as we become like Christ.

Join a Serving Team

Serving teams are a great opportunity to use your spiritual gifts specifically in a Sunday morning Gathering. These are not the only ways to serve in and through the church, so please let us know what your talents and gifts are so that we can help you be a blessing to others.